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Familia feliz
High Probability Behavioral Therapy

Líderes en Terapias Infantiles en Southwest, Florida

At High Probability Behavioral Therapy LLC, our mission is to empower individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities by providing high-quality, evidence-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services. We are dedicated to helping each client achieve their highest potential through individualized treatment plans that promote skill development, independence, and positive behavioral change.


Our compassionate and skilled team is committed to creating a supportive and collaborative environment where clients and their families feel valued and engaged. At High Probability Behavioral Therapy LLC, we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.
(Esta como la mision de la compañia)

Niño y niña


Behavioral Therapy

Nuestros Servicios

Consulta por video
Niño jugando con ábaco
Los niños en preescolar

Nuestro Proceso

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Padre e hijo, en cama

Valoracion de su caso

Niña con maestra

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Modelo infantil

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Satisfaccion de los padres

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Apretón de manos

¿Por qué elegirnos?


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Resultados garantizados

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Familia joven


Tantas personas no pueden estar equivocadas

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Yaimily M

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Barbara A

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Lazaro E

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